Rock Your Body: Stay Strong, Fit & Healthy with CoolSculpting and CoolTone

Diet and exercise can give us an important sense of achievement. We feel healthy and happier in our own skin. Sometimes though, despite all efforts, we find stubborn areas of fat that just won’t go away. This can lead to a lot of frustration. If you find you have areas that are challenging – upper arms, back fat, bra fat, the flank area, abdominals, inner thighs, just to name a few – then CoolSculpting and CoolTone are here to help!

Let’s talk about CoolSculpting first. CoolSculpting is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat reduction treatment. It works by targeting and freezing fat cells which are then crystallized and naturally eliminated from your body. The contouring results are amazing and the procedure has the ability to reduce fat by up to 25% in the treated areas.

How does CoolSculpting work?
Using a method called Cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting freezes fat to a temperature that destroys it while leaving your skin and other tissues unharmed. The device uses suction to hold the targeted part of your body and then cools quickly while in place for 35-45 minutes. The CoolSculpting process targets and freezes only the fat cells, so your results will look smooth and natural. 

What does CoolSculpting feel like?
Once the applicator is placed on the treatment area there will be a slight pulling sensation followed by the signature cooling effect. It’s cold at the start but after about 5-7 minutes the area becomes numb with minimal discomfort. Then you are free to read, watch tv, check your email or nap. After the cycle, we massage the area and reapply the applicator to the next area. 

You’ll probably see some minor changes after the first session or two with final results over the course of a couple months as the process of flushing the frozen fat cells from the body takes time. The great news is, once these fat cells are removed, they are gone permanently. Yes, the remaining fat cells can grow if you gain weight, but the cells that are gone through the CoolSculpting procedure are gone for good. 

While CoolSculpting relies on cooling technology to selectively freeze fat cells, CoolTone focuses on engaging the muscles to produce involuntary contractions to encourage development. This procedure is also FDA-cleared and perfect for toning and defining abdominal muscles, as well as the firming of arms, buttocks and thighs.

How does CoolTone work?
First, we adhere the device to your area of concern. Using magnetic muscle stimulation to induce involuntary muscle contractions, the procedure bypasses your skin and fat to strengthen and firm the muscle fibers. The device targets a combination of muscle fibers and groups, even some that cannot be achieved through regular exercise. The device does all the work! 

What does CoolTone feel like?
Discomfort from CoolTone is minimal. Even though it has the word “cool” in the title, clients typically report feeling warm, intense muscle contractions at first. Then, like CoolSculpting, the body adapts to the treatment. Afterward, most report the same kind of muscle soreness one would get from an intense gym workout, since a half hour session can be equivalent to 25,000 crunches!

Many of our clients combine CoolSculpting with CoolTone for the best of both worlds, freezing unwanted fat and toning target muscle groups. These two treatments work together beautifully for excellent body contouring. Both techniques are non-surgical and can be performed during the same session (starting with CoolSculpting, and ending with CoolTone) for a power-packed treatment against fat and ultimate body reshaping. These are both proven procedures to help you better achieve your goals and this dynamic duo treatment can transform your physique. 

Call us today at (845) 339-LASER (5273) or book a consultation to find out what the CoolSculpting and CoolTone treatments can do for you.