IV Nutrition Therapy

As we age we tend to feel that time just tick tick ticks away. Here at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley I have a suggestion on how to slow time and instead make it drip drip drip into deeper relaxation while addressing stress, fatigue, mental fog and even immunity issues. I’m talking about our new IV Nutrition Therapy program.

I’m really excited to talk about IV Therapy because it’s an innovative and effective way to address dehydration and vitamin deficiency, thereby promoting greater health and vitality. I’ve personally tried this program and can attest to the inner boost of energy it can provide. I felt especially hydrated and bounced back pretty quickly after trying the hydration blend after I had COVID. I was impressed by how quickly I recovered. Let me share more.

First, did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? Now consider that 92% of the population has a deficiency in at least one vitamin or mineral. Low levels of hydration and nutrition can result in feelings of sleepiness as well as compromised performance and mood. When you don’t have enough water or necessary vitamins and minerals, your mind and body slow down and essentially lose power.

Many of us resolve to drink more water and eat better in the New Year, which is always a great plan, but this may be harder than you realize. Even with a tailored vitamin regime our foods, including healthy, organic foods, are not as nutrient-rich as we might imagine. As soil quality diminishes year after year so does the micronutrient content of our produce. One study affirms that we would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one. Even the healthiest eater could find themself with a nutrient deficiency. 

IV Nutrition therapy changes all that. Using an IV line to provide hydration and maximum vitamin bioavailability directly into the bloodstream, the system bypasses digestion for a quick and powerful reset. This therapy promotes healing in many ways. In addition to the improved energy provided by the replaced hydration and nutrition, clients also see a cleansing of toxins, decreased inflammation and pain and improved immune performance. 

We currently offer 4 infusions, each customized toward specific wellness goals. Let’s have a look:

  • Classic Myers Cocktail
    This is the well-known drip formula originally developed in 1954 by Dr. John Myers, M.D. that combines a high dose of antioxidants, nutrients, and other immune-boosting elements, including B1, B2, B3 (Niacinamide) B5 (Dexpanthenol), B6, B12 (Magnesium chloride) and Vitamin C. This formula improves energy and alertness, combats headaches and illness, and aids in regulating the nervous system.

  • Super Hydration Hair of the Dog
    If you have big New Year’s plans, consider the Hair of the Dog mix as it’s better than any hangover cure imaginable. The drip quickly replenishes fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and antioxidants and can even be customized to include Zofran for nausea and Toradol for headache/pain. You’ll feel ready to begin again in no time. 

  • Super Immunity Booster
    This IV drip is a super starter towards strengthening your immune system. The combination of Vitamin C, Lysine, Zinc and B12 hydrates the body and fortifies it to fight germs such as the  common cold, viruses, flu, seasonal allergies, etc.

  • Beauty Glow for Hair, Skin, Nails
    This combination has all the benefits of a Myers Cocktail yet adds Biotin which helps keep your skin, hair and nervous system healthy. It also promotes collagen and elastin growth to fight aging.

All these therapies take place in our new IV Lounge, a serene upstairs suite where you can read, relax, even nap if you wish. Appointments are restful yet efficient with an IV boost typically lasting about 30 minutes. This is a new therapy for us and so far clients have been thrilled with the results. I hear things like “I’m more energized”, “sleeping better” and “ I’m feeling more calm” “feels good to take care of myself.”

Consider beginning your new year – or resetting yourself anytime – with a drip. Call us at 845-339-5273 or schedule your session here. From all of us at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley, we wish you a happy healthy new year!