How not to get overfilled

Stop using fillers right now! OK, now that I have your attention, let me back up and explain myself. 

In 2019 (remember before Covid?) we took a fantastic injectables training course in NYC with a high-profile leader in the field. This event was pivotal for us as injectors, not because of what we learned but because of what we saw. 

I knew a colleague that was also in attendance and I wanted to hug, chat and have a coffee together before the event started. When I entered the breakfast session, I began scanning the room looking for her and was stunned at what I saw. Everyone looked the same, dreadfully overfilled. I was shocked. Cheeks too big, lips overfilled and ducky. It feels hard to say this for fear of sounding like a shitty bitch just shitting on other women, but as a professional at an industry conference I could not unsee what I saw. 

At that moment, I realized we needed to be even more judicial with fillers. Dr Bloch has always been conservative in his approach and has always said no to people when needed. Fillers do an amazing job replacing volume and softening shadows and people love them but that breakfast session cemented the fact that we need to use fillers very thoughtfully. 

New research reveals that fillers remain for much longer than previously understood. There have been cases of fillers being detectable 12 years after injection. They can be with you for a long time. Even when you think they are gone, they are probably still there. Be sure to find a provider that you trust who is experienced and thoughtful with this process, not simply in it for a quick buck. 

In our 15 years offering fillers, we’ve seen evolution in the injectables field, both good and bad. You can count on us to share our experience with you and honestly address how to achieve the results you desire.

Book your “thoughtful” filler appointment today.

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