Best Home Care Tools for Your Skin ๐Ÿ 

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There are so many good skin care gadgets on the market these days. But not all are good quality.

When a professional in-office device gets released for the home care market, these devices have to be made safe for use by the general public. Many times these devices must be made more gentle or dumbed down in order for them to be considered safe or receive FDA approval. 

We routinely use LED in the office. Itโ€™s one of our favorite tools. We waited years for an acceptable home device. The wait was worth it. Finally, there are large panel devices that deliver a therapeutic dose of LED. I see lots of low budget devices with no science or research behind them, so I caution you about buying cheap stuff from Amazon. If the price is too good to be true, it is. LED in particular needs special bulbs at certain wavelengths to be beneficial. It's easy to simply use colored bulbs that provide no benefit. Spend wisely and do your homework.

Same goes for Microcurrent. We have a powerful in-office device capable of producing beautiful results when done properly. If youโ€™re dedicated to routine use, an at home microcurrent device may be a good purchase. 

At home lasers have some limitations but may be effective for small areas like the upper lip. In the office a laser can cause a pretty good injury to the skin, so we know that the home devices must, first and foremost, be safe. In order for laser hair removal to be effective you need heat and light to destroy the follicle. Home devices simply donโ€™t generate enough heat to be comparable to a professional in office treatment. They generate enough to slow down the hair, but will not deliver a permanent result.

Leave it to us professionals to deliver a safe, effective and reliable treatment. Contact us to make an appointment or schedule a consultation.