The Future is Now! Kickstart 2024 with our Transformative Medical Spa Services

This month we’re highlighting services that will set the tone for a healthier, happier you. Let us help you achieve your resolutions and ensure that 2024 is your best year yet. Plus, meet our own Dr. Bloch who can help you on your wellness journey.

First, let’s start with some services that we think are “must-dos” to keep you calm, cool and collected in the new year.

  • CoolSculpting / CoolTone: Reshape your body, lose fat, tighten your core and more. PLUS, we’re the top CoolSculpting / CoolTone experts in the Hudson Valley. 

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): Dive into the world of rejuvenation with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This cutting-edge treatment involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, promoting faster healing, reducing inflammation and boosting overall well-being. It's the ultimate way to jumpstart your journey to a healthier you.

  • LED Bed Therapy: Illuminate your path to a radiant new year with LED bed therapy. This non-invasive treatment uses light-emitting diodes to stimulate cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles, and enhance skin tone. It's the perfect way to glow from the inside out.

  • Sauna Sessions: Sweating has never been more luxurious. Our sauna sessions not only provide relaxation but also aid in detoxification, improved circulation and stress relief. Step into the sauna and let the warmth melt away the tensions of the past year.

  • IV Drip Therapy: Fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to conquer your resolutions. Intravenous (IV) drip therapy delivers a powerful blend of vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, ensuring optimal absorption and maximum impact. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to boundless energy!

Longevity Medicine: We want you to live a looooong and prosperous life. Here’s how…

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT): Ready to take control of your hormones? Bioidentical hormones mirror the molecular structure of your body's natural hormones, minimizing side effects and maximizing effectiveness, welcoming improved mood, energy, and vitality. Our expert consultations will guide you through the world of hormone therapy, offering personalized solutions for a balanced and healthy life. Restore hormonal harmony with BHRT. Book your medical consultation TODAY.

  • Thyroid Optimization: Is your thyroid in top shape? Let us help optimize your thyroid function, ensuring that your metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being are at their peak. A balanced thyroid is key to feeling your best.

  • Adrenal Fatigue Solutions: Combat stress and fatigue with targeted solutions for adrenal health. Our personalized approach will help you recover from adrenal fatigue, leaving you with the resilience and stamina to conquer your goals.

Meet Dr. Dean Bloch, our Medical Director is an expert that can help you find what’s best for you and your needs. In addition to running a thriving OB/GYN practice for over 20 years, Dr. Bloch has extensive knowledge and training in cosmetic procedures, bioidentical hormones, anti-aging treatments, nutrition and supplements. Click here for an interview with Dr. Dean.

As you embark on your self care journey in 2023, our medical spa is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Whether you're looking to sculpt your body, boost your immune system, foster healing or optimize your hormones, we've got the services and expertise to make your resolutions a reality.

Invest in yourself and let the adventure begin! Book a medical consultation TODAY.