Acne & Me: An Interview with a Patient

Acne & Me: An Interview with a Patient

Here at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley we often receive questions related to acne, the most popular being “Why why why WHY??” (Okay, maybe I’m paraphrasing.) The other is “HOW can I cure my acne now and what does it cost and how long does it take?” (Okay, so maybe this is more than one question.) We welcome them all. I’m going to address the WHY and the HOW but then I am going to ask the hard questions, this time with a real client named Sadie, who participated in our acne program and saw terrific results. 

First, let me address the WHY. Acne is a disease. That’s it. You didn’t do anything wrong and karma is not punishing you. You are simply exhibiting symptoms of a hereditary condition called Retention Hyperkeratosis. Much like other hereditary health conditions such as diabetes or even mental illness, acne is a layered disease that can be triggered by a variety of factors, from stress to diet to hormones to lack of sleep. There currently is no “cure” for acne – neither for these two other examples – but Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley can manage acne symptoms as well as improve blemishes, reduce scarring, and provide care for your skin with a combination of in-office and take-home treatments.

So let’s explore the HOW. Each person’s treatment and recovery period is going to vary so we’ll begin with a consultation and have a look together. We’ll discuss your goals and create a treatment plan that works for your lifestyle and budget. Good news is, acne treatments are affordable. Check pricing here. Questions? Check in with me, even if you feel unsure about your next steps. Think of our consultation as a fact-finding mission. Knowledge is power.

Now, I’m pleased to introduce one of our clients Sadie who has agreed to speak openly about her experience in the Acne Program. You can see that her before and after’s demonstrate how impactful these treatments can be.

Hi Sadie! First off, how old are you and where do you live?
Currently 21! (I was 19-20 during treatment.) And I’m from Red Hook, NY.

Can you please describe your initial acne concerns?
I have always had menstrual-related acne every month, only on my forehead, but then I started getting acne on my chin, forehead, temples, and the hollows of my cheeks. Big, cystic, red, and long lasting. And always in the same exact spots! 

How did it affect your everyday life?
I felt very self-conscious! It was out of my control but thankfully, no one ever said mean things. In fact, people were kind but it was still hard. I tried to be super good with my skincare routine, not touching my face, washing my bedding all the time, washing my face. I followed all sorts of tips for dealing with acne and I was very consistent yet saw little change. It was disheartening.

What made you seek treatment?
Since my normal skincare routine wasn’t doing anything and my acne just kept getting worse, I decided to come to you and am so glad. MAHV rocks!! 

Ha! I am glad, too. Can you pls tell readers how we decided on the treatment plan?
When we met you laid out several recommended paths to take, different long term treatments. We started with Tretinoin (a topical medication with prescription) because I had used it before and later used Spironolactone when the acne was still very bad. I had used the 1540 laser for texture resurfacing before for pigmentation and color scars, so that was a natural selection. Chemical peels I had also used before with great results.  

What treatments have you done with us?
I’ve tried many different things but the 4 most helpful were: the ️1540 laser, Photofacial treatments, and using Tretinoin and Spironolactone (an oral medication, also with prescription) I recommend the chemical peels as well as the Elta md gentle care skin recovery line, and using LED light.

How many of those treatments did you use to specifically treat the acne?
5+ Photofacials, 1-3 1540 laser treatments, 3-5 chemical peels, Tretinoin and Spironolactone products.

What were the treatments like?
To be honest, the 1540 and Photofacial treatments were kinda painful. Especially 1540 but I was numbed and using ice packs and that helps. Despite that, they still make the top of my list of helpful treatments. Chemical peels are very tolerable. Best part was definitely the MAHV facials for emotional support! 

How soon did you see results?
With the Spironolactone/Tretinoin I would say it was about 3 months until the acne was slowed down. The 1540 laser and Photofacial treatments are several weeks apart but when I finished, my skin was beautiful!

Did you use any products from MAHV in conjunction with your treatment?
Yes! I used the EltaMD Gentle Skin Recovery Line, Triple Lipid Restore, and EltaMD Clear 46 Sunscreen for Acne.

Since completing your acne treatment here, what type of maintenance do you do?
I still use Tretinoin and Spironolactone daily as well as sunscreen. I no longer get laser or chemical treatments. 

How do you feel now?
Good! My acne has totally disappeared and I am no longer super self-conscious. My acne definitely made me feel bad about myself, more anxious.

Would you do anything differently?
Not really. Maybe I’d be better about scheduling my 1540/Photofacials at the recommended intervals. Oh, maybe I’d start Spironolactone earlier because it helped A LOT.

Any advice you might offer someone struggling with acne?
GET TREATMENT! Over-the-counter stuff is expensive and can only be so effective. Stick to the basics. Use Tretinoin and sunscreen, wash your face, use high quality products, and pimple patches if it helps you stop touching your face. Most of all, be kind to yourself. Physical appearance doesn’t define you.