Do I need Hormone Replacement?

Here at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley we believe aging is both inevitable and optional. What does this mean? Let’s use our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy program as an example: 

Hormone levels decline as we age. This is fact, and those changes can cause significant challenges to one’s physical and mental health. A decrease in estrogen levels can lead to sleep difficulties, fatigue, physical pain and weight gain as well as negatively affect mental focus, memory and mood. If you are suffering from some of these symptoms, it’s possible you may have a hormonal imbalance. While we often talk about hormone changes in relation to menopause the truth is a woman’s estrogen levels peak in her mid to late 20s and then decline by as much as 50% by her 50s. 

This is where the optional part of aging comes into play as the resulting decline in health and functioning associated with hormone imbalance is not inevitable. You can feel healthy and vibrant at any age with customized Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy stands apart from the traditional style of synthetically-created hormones because bioidentical hormones are mostly derived from plant estrogen, making it a more natural choice for hormone replacement. The benefits are incredible: increased energy, better sleep, improved physical strength and emotional balance. What’s more, restoring hormone levels can help you lose weight and look and feel younger

If you’d like to learn more, consider a consultation with Dr. Dean Bloch who can create a specific, individualized program designed for your health goals. Finding the right hormone balance can be a powerful way to embrace and challenge the aging process.