How much does Botox cost and do I need it?

Do I need Botox?

Simply put, if you want to be wrinkle free, then yes! Age doesn’t matter, it’s how the muscles present. For example, a 25 year old may have very active dynamic muscles that move a great deal, causing wrinkles to form on her forehead. A 55 year old may have very relaxed dynamic muscles in her forehead and have virtually no wrinkles at all. It’s all about how active your muscles are.

Botox at an earlier age will prevent those wrinkles from forming and is called Preventative Botox. Start young before the wrinkles form and you’ll never have wrinkles at all! When you begin using Botox after the wrinkle has already formed, the Botox keeps the wrinkles from getting deeper. 

How much does Botox cost? 

Dose varies from person to person. There are ranges, guidelines and norms that we adhere to, and upon consultation we can determine how much to give you to get the effect you're looking for. No one in the Hudson Valley wants to look “frozen.” Dr Bloch has had extensive training, and customizes his approach based on your muscle strength, wrinkle pattern and skin quality. We will work with you and within your budget. 

Is Botox safe?

Very safe, and well studied. Cosmetic doses are much lower than a toxic dose. 

How long does it last?

Botox lasts 3-3.5 months. After that, the protein is broken down into harmless amino acids, recycled for use in other proteins, or excreted. 

How exactly does Botox work?

Botox is a Neuromodulator. Botox blocks the synapses in the nerves from communicating. So, even if your brain is telling the muscles to contract, botox blocks the signal. The result? No wrinkles! 

What actually happens in the office?

During your consultation, we will determine if your a good candidate for Botox. We will assess skin quality and laxity. We will have you make some facial expressions to see the muscles in action and to help determine if Botox will achieve what you're hoping for. After that, we will take photos, note any asymmetries (yes, many of us have them) and give you a cold roller to quickly numb the area. After we cleanse the areas to be treated, Dr. Bloch will begin the injections which take anywhere from 8-15 minutes. Botox takes 7-10 days to fully kick in, so be patient! 

Ready to take the plunge? You won’t be disappointed. Book today!