Dark circles under your eyes?

Checklist to Minimize Dark Circles in Under Eyes:

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Sleep More

Put the phone down, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself the proper amount of time to restore and rejuvenate the body. Sleep is the time when the body repairs and heals itself. It is vital for optimum health. We look better well rested.

Drink More Water 

Hydrate! Water helps flush toxins, and hydrates on a cellular level.

Drink Less Alcohol

We’ve all been there, one too many margaritas and the next day we look like we’ve been on a binge!

Don’t Rub Your Eyes

The area around the eyes is very sensitive and delicate and should only be touched with your ring finger in a light tapping motion. (Pro tip, this is how you apply eye cream) No tugging or pulling. 

Consider Allergies

Dark circles and be  a combination of pigment and redness. Allergies cause an increase of blood flow (dilated vessel) so try to stay ahead of and control known allergies. If they get itchy, try anti itch drops and don’t rub! 

Look for Blood Vessels

Sometimes darkness is caused by a collection of blood vessels under the skin showing through.  Vitamin K, green tea, caffeine and retinol can help. These ingredients can also help with puffiness. 

Consider Volume Loss

Hollowness in the tear trough can cause shadowing. Fillers can be helpful. However, often we need to address the midface first before addressing the tear troughs. A consultation can help you decide if this is a good option for you. 


Thanks Dad and Mom! Our genetics determine our inherited characteristics. Certain ethnicities are prone to dark circles, for example, darker skin types, Mediterranean, Asian, Latinos and African Americans often complain of dark circles. The accumulation of melanin in the eye area can be considered an evolutionary adaptation.  Extra melanin will help absorb bright light and allow better vision in bright sunlight. (think of the football players who use black grease under their eyes.)

Often treatment dark circles involves a combination approach. Want more information or want to set up a consultation? Contact us today.