Massage by Korneel

Relax and release with our signature massage, the MAHV 75. This massage lasts a luxurious 75 minutes, is fully customized to your needs, can range from the deeply relaxing to the therapeutic (or both), and has an optional aromatherapy component. Massage therapist Korneel Bouman has taken up residence at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley on Thursdays and Fridays, and you’ll be in his very capable hands.

At once analytical, intuitive and compassionate, Korneel uses a mix of modalities to customize his clients’ treatments based on their physical and emotional needs. He helps his clients restore balance to their mind-body connection through therapeutic touch and the resulting downregulation of their sympathetic nervous system.

Korneel is a careful listener, takes the time necessary to talk with his clients to get to the heart of what’s going on, and works with (and within) their comfort level. He cares deeply for his clients, which shines through in the calm, comforting, and restful container he creates while working with them, which in turn allows them to release and relax. Massage therapy is as much an art as a science, and often Korneel will be intuitively drawn to areas needing attention that neither he or his client knew were there.

Born and raised in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Korneel now calls the Catskills his home, drawn in by the mountains, skies, and nature. He is licensed in New York State, and draws from the following modalities: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Muscle Energy Techniques, and Cross Fiber Friction.