
Kybella is an FDA approved injectable for the treatment of submental fat or double chin. A double chin can make you look older and heavier no matter what your age or weight. Diet, exercise, lifestyle change make no difference in reducing chin fat. Finally, there is another option for reducing a double chin.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable fluid called deoxycholic acid. It is non-animal, non-human and naturally occurring molecule in the human body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat.


Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

If you are over 18 years old, in good health with moderate to severe submental fat, you can consider this procedure. If you are interested in reducing your double chin without surgery you’re the perfect choice for this procedure.


How is Kybella administered?

Kybella is a safe, non surgical, minimally invasive procedure. Kybella is performed in the privacy of our office. Kybella is a straightforward, simple procedure. It is a series of injections, anywhere from 15-50. Before your injections, we will administer an icepack to fully numb the area. The treatment takes minutes to inject and then you are out the door and on your way.


What areas can Kybella treat?

Currently Kybella is FDA approved for submental fat or the chin. However, more research for additional applications and area to treat are currently under way. So stay tuned for more areas to treat with Kybella.


How does Kybella work?

Kybella’s main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, will rupture fat cells. After they are ruptured they are no longer able to store fat.


Is Kybella painful?

We will do our best to make it as pain free as possible. We use topical anesthetic and ice packs to numb the area. As with all injections there can be mild discomfort. Your comfort is essential to having a positive experience so will work hard to make it pleasant.


How long does it take to get Kybella?

After a consultation, which may take up to 30 minutes, the actual procedure takes about 20 minutes. For your initial visit, plan on one hour. For additional treatments, plan on a 30 minutes. You can have this procedure on your lunch break.


When will I see results?

Most people begin to see very noticeable results after 2 sessions.


How many treatments do I need?

The number of treatments required will depend on the amount of fat in the area. You may receive up to six treatments one month apart. Rest assured once your goal is achieved, results are permanent, the fat is gone for good.


Is there downtime with Kybella?

Some patient report minor swelling and bruising that will resolve in a couple of days. Mild discomfort at the injection sites can occur. Simple OTC pain relievers can be helpful. Some clients bounce right back, others lay low for a day or two.

You may experience:

  • Bruising

  • Swelling

  • Discomfort

  • Hardness in treatment area

  • Redness

More serious, however rare, side effects can include:

  • Trouble swallowing

  • Nerve injury causing weakening of facial muscles



Call for a chat with a specialist who will listen to you and carefully explain all your options: 845 339 LASER (5273), or fill out the following form and we will contact you within 24 hours: