With Laser Focus

How lasering can help your skin. 

Did you know NASA has used lasers to map the surfaces of moons and planets? Our laser missions here at Medical Aesthetics of the Hudson Valley are no less important. That’s because we’re over-the-moon passionate about helping our clients look and feel their very best. We’ve been offering laser treatments for over 15 years and have seen impressive results I’d like to share. Let’s compare/contrast some laser and non-laser services to see what treatments might be best for you. 

Let’s begin talking about lasers by not talking about lasers. (It’ll make sense.) It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why clients gravitate towards injectable treatments like Botox. The procedure is fast, with great results after one session, and there’s no downtime. Lasering, however, is typically a multi-session investment – but wow, that investment pays off with long-lasting results that reach up to a year. Don’t get me wrong, Botox is great. I just like to showcase options and lasers are a very exciting alternative. 

So how do lasers work, exactly? Think of laser treatments as mini workouts for your skin. When we exercise or engage in weight training, we’re actually “damaging” our muscles, tearing the fibers in order to stimulate new growth. Laser procedures offer a very controlled way of “damaging” the skin to stimulate new collagen growth. As in most areas of life, challenging ourselves helps us grow. Below are some other “workouts” for you to consider.

Laser Resurfacing with 1540 

If you’re interested in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, The Palomar ICON 1540 Fractional Laser is a great choice. The fractional laser technology delivers focused light that initiates collagen growth, leading to healthy new tissue. It lightens and tightens your skin, reduces pore size and improves skin texture. This treatment is also a smart way to address stretchmarks and surgical and acne scars. Contact me to schedule a consultation to further discuss this procedure.

IPL / Photofacial

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, often referred to as a photofacial, can non-invasively improve the color and tone of your skin. It’s similar to a laser treatment yet this procedure is almost like a photo flash, releasing light of varied wavelengths, as opposed to a laser’s single wavelength. This distinction makes IPL a popular choice for decreasing sun damage, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. After a few days, the dark spots begin to separate and flake, revealing an even and beautiful tone. Schedule a FREE consultation.

RF Microneedling Intensif (Not a “true” laser but a fantastic device)

For the past couple of decades, lasers have been the tool of choice to resurface and liven up the skin but we also offer non-laser options that instead use radio frequency to deliver impressive results. You might consider comparing RF Microneedling Intensif alongside some of the laser treatments mentioned earlier. This procedure not only delivers long-lasting results – with visible improvements even a year later – but does so requiring little downtime.

RF technology brings smoother, tighter and more radiant results because it addresses the deeper layers of skin yet protects the top layers, benefiting those who seek improvements like wrinkle reduction, acne and other scars, stretch marks, dilated pores, skin tightening, collagen production, body contouring and overall rejuvenation. Click here to learn more

As always, I’m available for a consultation to explore your skincare goals and help you determine which procedures might be best for you. I love talking about this stuff! I’m not an astronaut and I don’t work for NASA but I know I can make your skin look out of this world.