Complete Guide to the Neck 🌷

The neck is a miraculous part of the body: fragile, yet strong.

It holds our head, brains and eyes in place, and essentially our master control system on top of our central nervous system! The skin on our necks is quite different from skin on the other areas of the body: it’s thin. Neck skin is more similar to under eye skin – delicate with less collagen, therefore more prone to wrinkling. The neck also suffers from having fewer oil glands to keep us plump and hydrated. The neck also tends to be more dry and requires more moisture and hydration (products that are formulated for this area work better).

The neck has a complex system of muscles and bands, that while helping hold our heads up, sadly also make more lines and wrinkles. This trifecta of thin, delicate, dry skin that has a lot of muscular activity makes the neck an area we need to pay special attention to. We need to use products formulated specifically for the neck, and do procedures that are best for thin skin. 

  • First and foremost, bring your daily antioxidant and sunscreen all the way down to your neck.
    The neck suffers from accelerated aging so it's paramount to protect it and prevent more damage. Use a product designed for the neck. Peptides do a fantastic job on wrinkles, we love Restorative Neck Complex.

  • Do procedures that make the neck look and function better:
    Try a Photofacial to even out skin tone, get rid of red and brown sun damage (poikiloderma), make the skin clear, and get rid of “redneck.” 

  • Keep the skin tight and strong with Radio Frequency:
    Try Thermage, 3 Deep or RF MicroNeedling. Radio Frequency is sensational for stimulating collagen and elastin fibers to make the skin stronger, firmer and plumper. I love RF MicroNeedling Intensif for the Needle delivery system which improves creepy skin in the neck. We see excellent results on clients who alternate RF every 6-18 months. 

  • A little botox and filler go a long way:
    We can treat those platysmal bands that stick out when you say “EEEEK.”  Filler also works in the vertical neck lines we develop from hunching over and having “Tech Neck.”

Have questions about your neck? Let’s set up a consultation to discuss your options.