2 Really Good Options for a Double Chin 🎉

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We can look at mom and dad and know what’s coming down the pike for us. Sometimes a double chin is genetic. And just because you see a double chin doesn’t mean that you’re overweight or unhealthy. Sometimes, we just accumulate a bit of fat in the chin area.

These days there are 2 excellent options for removing fat under the chin. These two procedures are easily performed in the office with little to no downtime, and no anesthesia.

The Best candidates for these treatments are those who:

  • have a mild to moderate amount of fat under the chin

  • want to avoid surgery

  • haven’t had results from diet or exercise

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an in-office treatment to get rid of fat specifically for, but not limited to, the chin. Kybella is an injectable procedure that dissolves fat cells *permanently.* Kybella is amazing for helping to sculpt the jawline and profile. The magic sauce in Kybella is deoxycholic acid which destroys the fat cells and prevents them from filling or storing fat.

You will need 3-4 sessions done about 6 weeks apart. Though you will see results after the second session, best results are after 4 sessions. The treatment itself is easy to tolerate. We will give you an ice pack to quickly numb the area. The injections take less than 10 minutes. We will give you an ice pack to go and you ‘ll be on your way lickety split. Just a heads up, the first one is the worst one, you will experience swelling. This can range from 2-10 days. A nice scarf or turtleneck will camouflage. You can always tell people  you had “dental work.” Subsequent treatments produce less swelling. 

What is Coolmini by Coolsculpting?

The other option for the chin, also called the submental area, is Coolmini by Coolsculpting.

Coolsculpting uses cryolipolysis (targeted cold therapy) to kill fat cells. No needles! Coolsculpting freezes fat cells. Your body disposes of those dead cells through the lymphatic system and urine. We use a device that adheres to the chin with gentle suction that delivers therapeutic cold to destroy the fat cell. Coolmini is easy to tolerate – you can read, scroll, listen to a podcast or nap quite comfortably. After the treatment (which can last anywhere from 1-2 hours) you may have a bit of tenderness, maybe some swelling and definitely numbness. There is very little downtime with Coolsculpting. We love it. You can repeat Coolmini for additional fat reduction. 

Contact us to review any of these options!

Results from Kybella and coolsculpting are about the same, about 20-25% reduction in the amount of fat. You may combine these treatments a well. With so many good options for non invasively removing fat, with little to no downtime, no needles, no surgery and excellent results it’s pretty darn easy to get rid of your double chin. Permanently. Did I mention Kybella and Coolmini get rid of chin fat permanently?

Call today for your consultation!