How to Thrive During the Quarantine

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Thank you for doing your part and staying home. Some of us are going on 2 or 3 weeks in quarantine. The days are starting to blend together. We’ve decided to share a couple ideas on how to feel good and not melt down into a puddle. Keeping busy is the best way to keep from worrying or letting the anxiety get the best of you. 

Practice your craft:
Whether you sing, write, paint, take photos, sew or quilt now is the perfect time to practice practice practice. Carve out time each day to work on whatever hobby feeds your soul. 

Practice your cooking:
Now’s the time to challenge yourself and try that new dish you saw in the New York Times.  Maybe you’ll realize you can eat more plant based dishes. Get creative and branch out. 

Move your body!
There’s tons of free good stuff online! Walking is free! There is plenty of research that proves exercise helps control your weight, improves your mood and mental health, helps manage your blood sugar and insulin levels and helps keep your mind sharp. You will feel better if you move!

Practice self care:
Try a new at home facial mask, make a cup of tea, do an at home mani/pedi or draw a bath, and add some soaking salts or milk. Make sure you take time daily or weekly to take care of yourself, it’s a good time for pampering. Go easy on yourself.

Learn a new skill:
Anything you want to learn is readily available online. It’s a beautiful time to explore and grow your mind. Reignite your love of learning. This is the best gift you can  give yourself. 

Start spring cleaning:
Organize, declutter, purge, and sanitize. Marie Kondo is definitely on to something. When your physical space improves, your mental space will brighten too.

Read, Read, Read:
I’m sure you have at least 2 books on the bedside table you've been wanting to start. What a luxury to be able to spend a couple of hours during the day reading. (this could also go under self care) Also, Audible and Books on iPhone are also excellent options. 

It is an important time to really pay attention to your thoughts and try to manage your emotions. Try not to let your mind run wild with fear. Start by taking a deep breath and just breathing. Slowly. It might be hard the first time you try, and you might think you can’t do it, but every time you do it you become better at it. So take a deep breath I N. . . then let it out S L O W L Y. Do this when your shoulders hunch up, or you find yourself grinding your teeth or when you feel out of control and hopeless. This is the ultimate exercise in letting go. It’s completely out of our hands. Surrender. 

 Remember that during this time of isolation, we are helping to keep others safe.
