Lasers, Lasers, Lasers

Lasers! From brown spots and wrinkles to acne scars and pore size, we got ya covered.

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Fall means laser season. The sun isn’t as intense and we’re left with all the damage from the summer. Brown spots, veins, vessels and broken capillaries. Our skin has been parched from going to the beach, pool, and playing tennis. We see the wrinkles now more than ever.

Baby, it’s time to get out the lasers. 

One of our favorite treatments is 3 for Me. In only 3 treatments, using 2 lasers we address your biggest complaints. First, we use our IPL for Photofacial. We’re targeting sun damage, veins, vessels, underlying redness, discoloration and general tone of the skin. Photofacials will leave your skin clear, even and bright.

The next laser we use is the 1540 Resurfacing Laser. This laser makes micro wounds in the skin, which help regenerate tissue and resurface the skin. You’ll enjoy improvements in texture, wrinkles, and pores. This treatment is excellent for acne scars, too. 

When we use these 2 devices in one treatment, we’re able to address many of your biggest gripes. Fall and winter are the ideal time for 3 for Me. Book today!